The best time to sleep train is when you feel you are ready to make changes

  • Sleep teaching is when you help a baby or toddler learn how to fall asleep independently. This means removing any sleep props which were currently in place to assist your child to sleep such as a pacifier, nursing or bottle feeding to sleep, rocking to sleep, holding to sleep, etc. The end goal is to lay your baby down in their crib/bed, completely awake, and leave the room while your baby puts themselves to sleep. Does that not sound dreamy? It is truly amazing, I promise.

  • No, sleep training isn’t for everyone. You need to do what you feel is right for you and your family. If you want to make changes to sleep behaviours as things have become no longer sustainable in your household, then we are here to help.

  • There are multiple methods to teach independent sleep skills. They range from gradual to full extinction. This means from the most supportive to least supportive in terms of parental involvement during the sleep training process. When we work with families, we listen and value your concerns and level of comfort with tears. We also assess your baby/child’s sleep behaviours to ensure the most appropriate method is being put in place for your child and family.

  • The best time to sleep train is when you feel you are ready to make changes to your sleep routines. We work with families from 4 months to 10 years of age.

    Many families choose to begin teaching their children healthy sleep habits between 4-6 months. By four months, babies are typically old enough to self soothe and may no longer require night feedings. Additionally, by four months, your baby’s sleep cycles begin to become more established, and their circadian rhythm (internal clock) begins to solidify.

    Finally, because your baby is still quite young (at 4-6 months), the sleep associations that may have developed won’t have formed into strong habits at this point. This means it will be easier to change the way sleep happens.

  • Consistency is key to making the magic happen in your sleep journey. It is crucial in helping your child sleep through the night and take good naps independently. Sleep teaching is a process that takes time and can also be a bit of a rollercoaster ride in the beginning. You may have a great night couple of nights and then a not-so-good night, then a few good nights and so on. This is very common. With time and patience things will become more and more consistent. It is important that you stick to your sleep plan from now on, unless your child is sick (we will coach you through this). Overall, bedtime should be non-negotiable.

If you are looking to make changes to the way sleep happens in your home, contact us for a discovery call so we can support you on this journey.

“ Alana was worth every penny! After the first night my son was sleeping 12+ hours. Alana was so amazing and thorough with me. She checked in with me daily to make sure Sebastian was staying on track with his daytime routine as well. I’m so happy we spent the time and money fixing my sons routine, because now we all get to sleep through the night.”

— Sonia